Invited Speaker

Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Zainiharyati Mohd Zain


Dedicated and experienced University Associate Professor with over twenty years of experience serving as a Lecturer in the School of Chemistry and Environment, Faculty of Applied Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Malaysia. Head of Electrochemical Material and Sensor (EMaS) UiTM and an active researcher in analytical chemistry bringing forth knowledge from a variety of sensor research. Adept in creating powerful curriculum in the fields of Analytical Chemistry. A committed faculty member, passionate about working to further enhance the educational offerings of an institution. Knowledgeable and experienced scientist in various chemical, electrochemical and optical sensor work. Great skill in writing research publications, grant proposal and product pitching.

Dr Vipul Agarwal


Dr Vipul Agarwal is a lecturer and University of New South Wales (UNSW) Research Fellow. He joined UNSW in 2018 on a prestigious Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Research Fellow in the School of Chemical Engineering. Prior to this, he was awarded SERB-DST National Postdoctoral Fellowship to undertake postdoctoral training at the Indian Institute of Science, India. Dr Agarwal graduated with a PhD in Nanobiotechnology from The University of Western Australia, Australia in 2015, MApplSc in Chemistry from University of Tasmania, Australia in 2010, and BSc (Hons) in Chemistry from the University of Delhi, India in 2005. Dr Agarwal’s current research interest is in materials chemistry focusing on development synthetic and fabrication strategies towards two- and three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering including neuronal and bone regeneration. 

Dr Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zin


Dr Hafiz obtained his PhD in radiotherapy physics from the Joint Physics Department, Institute of Cancer Research London and the Royal Marsden Hospital UK. During his PhD, he was involved in developing prototype CMOS image sensors for real-time radiotherapy treatment verification. He has served on the scientific committee of many medical physics and oncology conferences, is the editor of the published conference proceedings published in the Journal of Physics Conference Series IOP UK in 2014, 2016 and 2019, and also serves as Editor in two local journals. He was the President of the Malaysian Association of Medical Physics (MAMP) for session 2019-2020 and a member of the Institute of Physics UK (MInstP), Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine UK (MIPEM) and Institut Fizik Malaysia (MIFM). He was appointed as a council member of the Malaysian Allied Health Professions Council under the Ministry of Health upon the enforcement of the Allied Health Professions Act 774 in the year 2020.
